Hi-ho readers,
I don’t think I’m very good at doing this on time.

BUT IT’S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY SO IT REALLY DOESN’T MATTER. I am 21 and plan on doing some U.S.-style legal drinking and a candlemaking class. Feel free to send me free gifts and/or cash. I need drink money.

the face of a 21 year old!
This week was a lot of being at work and starting to write a play (coming to the Great Wheaton Way in 2016) but I also did some things of note. Pretend I’m writing this on Sunday night.On Monday I went to a bar in Covent Garden called the Porterhouse with Zoe and Becca under the assumption that there would be live music. There was not, but it was still a nice place to have a drink on a weekday night. We also went to the Science Museum Late on Wednesday night which is great because it’s only a couple yards from our building.

The funniest thing that happened this week was at work on Friday when for some reason listening to “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus prompted us to make a playlist called “Crying in the Bath (But In a Funny Way).” I have replicated much of it on my Spotify so if you want it just ask. My picks were “Against All Odds” by Phil Collins and “(Everything I Do) I Do It for You” by Bryan Adams.

On Saturday I went to Oxford and Blenheim Palace with a school trip and hung out with my friend Mary. Our tour guide was a rather theatrical guy who had done his master’s at BU (go Terriers) and provided a lot of interesting information. We got a walking tour of the necessary external sights (because apparently it costs money to tour a college) and then were let loose for two hours. Mary and I ate a pie in the Covered Market and then toured Christ Church College which was beautiful. We then went to Blenheim Palace which according to our guide is one of the finest stately homes in all of England. And a duke and his family still live in a wing of the house. We went on a tour but eventually peeled off to explore some of the gardens. Weirdest thing that happened all day: seeing a Confederate flag on the back of a pickup truck on the way home?? Also I was supposed to have a date on Saturday night but he canceled with “the flu” so this is just proof that men are weak.

Anyway, I leave for Madrid on Friday to spend Easter with Charlotte and I am so excited. UNTIL THEN!Things I Read and Liked This Week
The New Yorker’s “O Adjunct! My Adjunct!” (Denise Davis, if you’re reading this, thank you for everything.)
Autostraddle’s “15 of Those Actresses Who Were in That Show
The Awl’s “I Just Ate Fruit for the First Time and It Kind of Sucked
New York Magazine’s “Why I Live in an All Women Boardinghouse in New York City

And that’s the week that was!
Emily (another year older and another year wiser)

P.S. word of the week: invigilator. LOOK IT UP