Hi-ho readers,

I don’t think I could have predicted the events of the last two weeks, let alone the last two days. I’m in my first full day of social distancing. Luckily, I’m able to work from home, am healthy, and have a good support system in place. Many people I know are not so lucky. I’m safe but am feeling a little helpless (going for walks helps), but if you have resources to spare might I suggest taking a look at the following? Please share more ways to give with me, if you have them.

I’m trying to avoid oversaturating myself with news as much as possible, but I know it’s important to be informed. I’ve found that coverage of COVID-19 on The Atlantic has been excellent and I read that as well as scientific coverage on The New York Times (today’s update). Gothamist also has a daily post that gets updated (link to today).

I don’t have a lot of other links I’ve been reading, but I do have a lot of books lined up for the next few weeks. I’ve been wanting to read Olivia Laing‘s The Lonely City for some time, and have been wanting to revisit Ross Gay‘s The Book of Delights.

I received my Bernie Sanders T-shirt from Lorien Stern in the mail today after donating, and I’d just like to come forward with this newsletter’s formal endorsement for President (Bernie, obviously). Medicare for all.

Songs in My Heart (with playlist)

Nice Things I’m Thinking About

Signore Fagiolo
The title of this Friday’s issue is Italian for yes, The Beaneater, which is a late 16th century painting by Annibale Carracci. I imagine we are all going to feel like him pretty soon.

Yours in beans (and see you in two),