Hi-ho readers, 

It’s day 85 of social distancing, but that seems so strange now, especially being back in New York, or I guess, anywhere. The murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis by a uniformed officer has galvanized people in every major American city (and abroad) to take to the streets and demand the defunding and abolition of the police.

Protesting Past Curfew in New York City (The New Yorker / Emily Witt / Steven John Irby)

This isn’t my place to make statements besides this one – I am fully for the abolition of the police, prisons, and ICE. I’d like to share resources and actionable items.
The abolition mindset

Jobs for white people

Take action

Actionable items for New Yorkers

Bonus: actionable items for Wheaton community

Last night, I ended up walking about 12 miles during a march. In honor of that, I’m donating to 12 organizations, which I’ve listed below.

This week, I’m listening to protest songs written and performed by black artists, linked here and listed below.

Some Hope

See you in two,