
woman! I shout-sing as I marvel at your new-found confidences; you have always been alone. but now your soft-shoed dancing knows the way it goes. woman, you leaned into my mirror before tonight, rouged and pretty. ribbons twirling through the darkened room, led by the clavicle, shimmering as you raise your wrists. but girl, you […]

Still Life with a Jar of Honey, Left Open on the Kitchen Table

last night the clock struck three, a lonely bird chirped, and I walked into the kitchen on padded feet. slid onto the floor with the jar and a spoon from the sink. I live off your rations for sweetness here and the jar has never been mine to take. but part of you knew that […]


(for Raustin, and Spectacle Pond) on that night of stars, of sweetly sanguine air: you were slicing fruit when the cold snapped its fingers and bid us come inside. I pressed a grape to my palate with my tongue and murmured words which grew lush at the hesitant nape of your neck. but how long would […]


all at once I hide myself, with found cravings in a coat pocket hidden in autumn’s closet. a yellow leaf touched my face and I wanted this silence: to bury my nose in your neck like woodsmoke and amber, until I could not see, only hear the sylvan incantations of the crickets, and perhaps look […]


morning has a wooden mission: of a flat table dressed with a checkered cloth, pulling at its edges – I pull myself downstairs like honey from the jar while jams sit in a line waiting for butter knives. the plate holding yolk-yellow running from your mouth with grin unfurling, perched on the mug you like […]


you played that solitaire of saving with me saying “i will remember now forever” and tomorrow morning it’s gone like your fingertips never made me soft and i remember everything like the bottle caps i collected but i don’t win your game if i tell you things you used to say you keep things in […]

About the capstone

I have two overarching goals for my capstone. You can be the judge of their accomplishment. The first is to build a homepage for myself (and my personal brand, in less savory terms). This involved buying my very first domain, negotiating with Bluehost and WordPress support, and doing some rudimentary web design. I think it’s […]

File #22: Render

Hi-ho readers, I considered this a vacation week, even though I had class on Monday and Tuesday. Not having work left me with so much time to…do things! On Monday I took a walk through Hyde Park (which is so close to my building) and realized very quickly that I had walked all the way […]

File #21: Trudging along

Hi-ho readers, I thought about actually changing the date of these to Tuesday but then I would end up writing them on Thursday. Blech. I did not do a whole lot this week as it was my last week of work. I went on a shoot very far away (in zone 2) on Wednesday so I […]

File #20: Chin-chin

Hi-ho readers, I tried writing this last night but was too tired and too sad (from no longer being in Madrid). I really would like to be in Madrid and not at my desk right now. But! We move on. Now for the recap of last week. On Sunday I had lunch with my friend […]